Editorial Policies

Section policies

Articles submitted to the Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Parasitology (RBPV) need to be original scientific articles that essentially address matters relating to parasites of animals of any kind.
The RBPV categorizes its articles as follows:

Original Article: this type of article reports data from original research that has not been published in any other periodical.

It should be structured as follows: Original Title (English), Translated Title (Portuguese), Short Title (English), Author(s), Affiliations, Abstract (English), Keywords, Resumo (Portuguese), Palavras-chave (Portuguese), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions (or a combination of the last three), Acknowledgements, Ethics Declaration, Declaration of Conflict of Interests and References. All tables and illustrations should be presented separately from the main text body and attached to the final manuscript without captions. The related captions should be included in the text after the References.

Short Communication: for this category, articles submitted will only be accepted if they have a high degree of novelty and originality, bringing new results of evident importance. The decision on whether the submission may proceed will be made by the editor-in-chief.

It should follow the same structure as Original Article, but can be presented as a continuous stream of text without the need to include headings, should be concise and limited to 4,000 words, and can include up to 3 figures or tables, combined. Not more than 25 references should be cited.

Review Article: submission of these articles is conditional on submission and invitation from the editor-in-chief. Reviews that were not requested will be assessed by the editor-in-chief or assistant scientific editors provided that they were written by researchers who are specialists in the topic chosen.   The main text of review articles must not contain a minimum of 4,000 words.

The main text of review articles must not contain a minimum of 4,000 words.

Paper submission:

The manuscripts submission is online by ScholarOne. The corresponding author needs to supply an ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID, http://orcid.org/) at the time of submission, which should be inserted in the user’s profile in the submission system. We recommend that this should also be done for the coauthors.

Authors are required to send a cover letter signed by everyone in which they declare that they were responsible for the whole process of producing the manuscript and that it is entirely an unpublished original article. If the abstract of the manuscript has been presented in scientific meetings, this should be stated in the signed cover letter as well.

Article processing fee

Attention! Articles submitted and accepted starting in January 2025 will be subject to the new publication fee, approved at the General Assembly of CBPV on November 12, 2024.

R$ 650.00 (CBPV members whose annuities are up to date);
R$ 1300.00 (non-members of CBPV);
US$ 300,00 (foreign authors).

For articles submitted and accepted before this date, the values remain the same:

R$ 500.00 (CBPV members whose annuities are up to date);
R$ 1000.00 (non-members of CBPV);
US$ 300,00 (foreign authors).

For foreign authors:
IBAN 001026900000288489
Address: Via de acesso Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n, Zona Rural. CEP: 14884-900. Jaboticabal – SP, Brazil.

Bank data for deposit:
Name: Colégio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária/Revista
Bank: Banco do Brasil (001)
Branch: 0269-0
Current account: 28848-9


The articles submitted must undergo English-language revision. A certificate of English-language revision should be sent together with the submitted article, done by reviewers accredited by the RBPV :

ELSEVIER AUTHOR WEBSHOP: https://webshop.elsevier.com/
WILEY EDITING SERVICES: https://wileyeditingservices.com/en/
PUBLICASE INTERNATIONAL: https://www.publicase.com.br/
DAVID GEORGE ELLIFF: david.elliff@bsnet.com.br
BEATRICE ALLAIN: beatrice.tradutora@gmail.com
AMERICAN JOURNAL EXPERTS: https://www.aje.com/c/RBPV10
EDITAGE PUBLISH & FLOURISH: https://www.editage.com/
BIOEDIT SCIENTIFIC EDITING: https://www.bioedit.com/
JOURNAL PREP SERVICES: https://www.journalprep.com/
PRECISE EDITING: https://www.teamprecise.us/
CAMBRIDGE PROOFREADING: https://www.cambridgeproofreading.online/about-us.php
ACADEMIC ENGLISH SPECIALISTS: https://academicenglish.com

The authors will be expected to bear the costs of the revision. If one of the coauthors is a non-Brazilian who is a native speaker of the English language, this author should review the English-language content of the study. The corresponding author needs to send correspondence to the journal confirming that this review was done by one of the authors who is a native speaker of English.


Manuscripts with a number of authors that does not seem justifiable will be assessed by our assistant scientific editors in relation to the experimental research protocol.

All authors need to have made substantial contributions to the study design, data acquisition, data analysis and interpretation, and drafting of the article, and need to have given final approval of the version to be submitted.

Changes to authorship, such as exclusion or inclusion of authors, must be made by sending a formal letter to the editor-in-chief, with a justification for the request. This will be assessed with regard to the policies for submission and approval. An author who is excluded or included must also agree to this change by sending a communication to the editor-in-chief.

Peer review process

The manuscript review process will follow the journal’s Editorial Guidelines and consider the editors’ and/or ad hocreviewer’sopinions. The Editor-in-chief and assistant scientific editors may make suggestions or request changes to the manuscript but the authors are ultimately responsible for the entire text content. Articles that are submitted for publication will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers. The reviewers will be selected by the editor-in-chief. If these referees give conflicting opinions, the article will be sent to a third reviewer.

The reviewer should fill out the RBPV’s evaluation form, which is available in the online submission system (http://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rbpv-scielo). The author will receive evaluations from at least two reviewers, as statements on evaluation forms and possibly as corrections made directly in the text. The authors need to address each of the queries raised or corrections suggested by each of the referees, by means of a reply letter. The authors must also highlight the corrections in the text, using different colors for each referee. The reviewer may then correct the article, if necessary. After the manuscript has been accepted by the ad hoc reviewers, but before it is sent for the authors’ responses, it will undergo a final analysis by one of the assistant scientific editors. It should be noted that the assistant scientific editors have autonomous authority to suggest corrections and/or reject publication of an article, even if the reviewers have already approved it. Also at this stage, if necessary, the manuscript is sent to one of the RBPV statistical method reviewers.

Policies of open access, authors’ rights and self-archiving

Open access

The journal publishes articles with open access in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any media, provided that the original study has been duly cited.

Authors’ rights

All rights are reserved to authors, unrestrictedly, while reserving for the journal the right to first publication.


Studies published in the Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária will always be available online, starting from their date of publication.


The RBPV encourages authors to archive the final version of their manuscripts published in the journal, immediately after their publication on the journal’s website. Posting the published PDF version in personal blogs, institutional repositories and scientific social media such as ResearchGate or Academia.edu, among others, is also recommended. For this, it is necessary to include the citation of the article with the journal’s name (RBPV) and the DOI.

Conflicts of interest

The RBPV requires that a declaration of conflicts of interest should be sent with the article, and publishes this. The corresponding author must send a declaration revealing any potential conflicts of interest, which could be of a personal, commercial, political or academic nature, with or without involvement of financial compensation, with regard to all authors. Even if there is no conflict, a declaration must be sent. This information must be furnished as described in the rules for presenting the manuscript.

Financial support

The RBPV requires that all financial support received by all authors should be revealed, including the name of the funding agency and the grant identification number(s). This information must be furnished as described in the rules for presenting the manuscript.


Animal rights

Experiments using animals should be conducted following the rules of the Ethics and Animal Wellbeing Committee of the institution at which the study was developed, and the authors must present the protocol number for submission and approval of their studies. For non-Brazilian authors, guidelines for experiments on animals are also set forth in the "International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals", issued by the "Council for the International Organizations of Medical Sciences" (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guiding_principles_2012.pdf). These authors need to present the equivalent protocol number(s) for submission and approval of their studies.

This information must be furnished as described in the rules for presenting the manuscript.

Regarding allegations of misconduct within the study

The RBPV follows the ethics guidelines proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; https://publicationethics.org) and the Good Practices Code drawn up by the Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP): https://fapesp.br/boaspraticas/2014/FAPESP-Codigo_de_Boas_Praticas_Cientificas.pdf

Suspected misconduct

The RBPV emphasizes impartiality, integrity and confidentiality in its assessments. The editor-in-chief will consult with reviewers and assistant editors in cases of doubt or questioning. In situations of doubts relating to authorship, the first contact should be with the corresponding author and then, if necessary, with all the authors. If the matter remains unresolved, the institutions to which the authors are affiliated or the funding agencies involved in developing the study should be contacted.

In cases of any suspicions regarding research ethics or problems of publication malpractice, authors, reviewers, editors and readers are encouraged to report this by email to the editor-in-chief.

If necessary, the RBPV will publish errata, corrections or retractions.


The RBPV screens all manuscripts submitted using the Similarity Check system (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/), which is distributed by iThenticate.

After article acceptance

The final layout of the article in PDF format will be provided by email to the corresponding author. Changes to the article accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage if permission from the Editor is granted. The proof must be carefully checked for accuracy as inclusion of subsequent corrections (e.g. a new author, change of paragraphs or tables) cannot be guaranteed.

After the layout and editing processes, the editor-in-chief of the journal will make any final corrections.


Format of the file to be submitted:

All articles should be submitted in United States English. Always use concise and impersonal language. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the corresponding page and numbered with Arabic numerals in an ascending order. All manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 12, using a page setup with 2.5-cm top and bottom margins, 3-cm left and right margins and 1.5-cm line spacing. All pages should be numbered.

The main file must not contain the names of the authors or their affiliations, acknowledgements, declaration of ethics, declaration of conflicts of interest, etc., in order to facilitate blinded peer review. Insert the above information in a title page, in a separate file.

Description of each item of the manuscript

Original title

The full title and subtitle, if any, should not exceed 25 words. The title should not include any abbreviations, and species names and Latin words should be italicized. Titles that start with “Preliminary studies,” “Notes about,” and the like should be avoided. Do not use the author’s name and date of citation in scientific names.

Summarized title (short title)

Send a short title for the page headers.


List all authors’ full name (with no abbreviations). Affiliations should include the original institution names, not their English translations, in the following order: laboratory, department, college or school, institute, university, city, state and country. Include at the bottom of the page the corresponding author information: full address, telephone number, current e-mail and ORCID, in that order.


Abstracts are limited to 200 words and should be structured in a single paragraph with no indentation. The abstract should not include references. Acronyms or abbreviations should be written out in full and the abbreviation given in brackets the first time they are used in the abstract, for example, indirect fluorescence assay (IFA). The abstract should be informative and present the objectives, a brief description of methods, the main results and a conclusion. All manuscripts written in English should also have the abstract and keywords written in Portuguese.


Keywords should accurately reflect the text content. Limited to a maximum of 6 (six), and separated by comma.


Should have a clear and concise justification of the study including its relevance and objectives and should keep the number of citations to a minimum.

Materials and Methods

A concise description including core information for understanding and enabling reproduction of the study. Well-established methods and techniques should be cited and referenced but not described. Statistical analyses should be described at the end of the section.


The content of this section should be informative rather than interpretative. The results should be accompanied by self-explanatory tables, figures or other illustrations if necessary.


Its content should be interpretative and based on the study results only. The discussion can be a single section or it can be presented together with the results and conclusions. It should emphasize the relevance of new findings and new hypotheses clearly supported by the results.


All conclusions may be presented in the Discussion section or in the Results and the Discussion sections when presented together, at the authors’ choice. If this is the case, there is no need for a separate Conclusions section.


People who collaborated in the study but do not meet the criteria for authorship can be listed in this section. Contributions made by individuals or institutions who provided technical assistance or suggestions, or corrections or suggestions relating to writing the paper, or who in some other manner collaborated in developing the work, can be acknowledged. All financial support received should be presented in this section.

Ethics declaration

The authors must present the protocol number for submission and approval of their study in a specific section at the end of the article, before the references.

Declaration of conflicts of interest

The corresponding author must send a declaration revealing any potential conflicts of interest, which could be of a personal, commercial, political or academic nature, with or without involvement of financial compensation, with regard to all authors. Even if there is no conflict, a declaration must be sent.



All citations must follow the author–date system:

One author: author’s name and year of publication
Levine (1985) or (Levine, 1985)

Two authors: authors’ names and year of publication
Paim & Souza (2011) or (Paim & Souza, 2011)

Three or more authors: first author’s name followed by et al. and year of publication
Araújo et al. (2002) or (Araújo et al., 2002)

References will only be accepted if they are reader-friendly. If it proves difficult for the RBPV to access these references, the authors may be asked to supply the material. If these references are unavailable, they will have to be removed from the text. References of papers published in conference proceedings will not be accepted and theses only if they are available for consultation at official websites such as the CAPES thesis bank: http://www.capes.gov.br/servicos/banco-de-teses. All cited references in the text should be carefully checked for the authors’ names and dates exactly as they appear in the reference section. References should be listed alphabetically and then sorted chronologically, if necessary. More than one reference by the same author(s) in the same year must be identified by the letters “a,” “b,” “c,” etc., placed after the year of publication. Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to Index Medicus, http://www2.bg.am.poznan.pl/czasopisma/medicus.php?lang=eng.

In the Reference section, all authors should be listed up to a limit of six authors. If more than six authors, the first six authors should be listed followed by et al.:

Reference to book
Levine JD. Veterinary protozoology. Ames: ISU Press; 1985.

Reference to book chapter
Menzies PI. Abortion in sheep: diagnosis and control. In: Youngquist RS, Threlfall WR. Current therapy in large animal theriogenology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2007. p. 667-680.

Reference to full article
Munhoz AD, Simões IGPC, Calazans APF, Macedo LS, Cruz RDS, Lacerda LC, et al. Hemotropic mycoplasmas in naturally infected cats in Northeastern Brazil. Rev Bras Parasitol Vet 2018; 27(4): 446-454. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s1984-296120180074.

Reference to thesis or dissertation
Araujo MM. Aspectos ecológicos dos helmintos gastrintestinais de caprinos do município de Patos, Paraíba - Brasil [Dissertação]. Rio de Janeiro: Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro; 2002.

Reference to internet URLs
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epi Info [online]. 2002 [cited 2003 Jan 10]. Available from: http://www.cdc.gov/epiinfo/ei2002.htm.


These should have horizontal rulings separating the header and the last row. The word “Table” should precede the table title. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals and have a concise and descriptive title placed above them. The number of tables in the manuscript should be limited to a minimum.


Figures and graphical elements that are used or elaborated by the authors should follow all the guidance in the sections below.

Citations in the text

Graphs, photographs, diagrams, illustrations etc. must be cited as figures (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figures 1, 2, 5-7, etc.) in increasing order as they are cited.

Summary of requisites

The table below summarizes the main technical requisites for figure files.

FormatTIFF or JPG
DimensionsMaximum width: 2250 pixels (at 300 dpi). Maximum height: 2625 pixels (at 300 dpi).
Resolution300 – 600 dpi
Size< 10 MB
FontsArial, Helvetica, Times New Roman, Cambria Math or Symbol in sizes between 7.5 and 10 pt.
NameFig1.tif, Fig2.tif, etc. These names should follow the identifications of the legends.
LegendThis must be inserted in the text of the manuscript and not inside the figure.

Use of colors

Although use of colors is permitted, it is important that authors should endeavor to ensure that their use of colors will not prejudice understanding among readers with any type of visual disorder. We recommend that the following resources should be consulted before preparing any figures or tables using colors:

How to make scientific figures accessible to readers with color-blindness (2019, Science News, The American Society for Cell Biology)

Wong, B. Points of view: Color blindness. Nat Methods 8, 441 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.1618

Editing and manipulation

In preparing your images, take care when using filters or any other type of editing for including highlighted insets etc. The images should not be manipulated or adjusted excessively, to the point that this could cause misinterpretation of the information. We recommend that authors should take note of the tips and examples in the following:

"What's in a picture? The temptation of image manipulation" (Mike Rossner, Kenneth M. Yamada. J Cell Biol 5 July 2004; 166 (1): 11–15. doi: https://doi.org/10.1083/jcb.200406019).

Digital Images and Misconduct (Council of Science Editors, White Paper on Publication Ethics)

Preparing a Manuscript for Submission to a Medical Journal > Illustrations (Figures). (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)

Dimensions, resolution and formats

Graphs, photographs, diagrams, illustrations etc. must be sent in the formats TIFF or JPG, with high resolution (300 or 600 dpi), according to the type of image and the size at which it will be used on the page, in conformity with the following requisites:

Maximum width: 17.5 cm ⇒ 2100 pixels (at 300 dpi), 4500 pixels (at 600 dpi) or 9000 pixels (at 1200 dpi).
Maximum height: 24.0 cm ⇒ 2850 pixels (at 300 dpi), 5650 pixels (at 600 dpi) or 11300 pixels (at 1200 dpi).
Resolution of 1200 dpi (1 bit/channel): adequate for monochrome drawings, graphs or line diagrams (just in black and white).
Resolution of 300 dpi (RGB 8 bits/channel or grayscale): use this for colored or grayscale images in which halftones or gradients predominate, such as in photos, micrographs, etc., and which do not include much text.
Resolution of 600 dpi (RGB 8 bits/channel or grayscale): this has the same indication as above but for cases of images that include more text or for panels or combinations of halftone images together with drawings, graphs or line diagrams.
Compression: For JPG images, use the least compression possible in order to preserve the image quality; for images in TIFF format, use LZW file compacting to reduce the file size if your image editing software allows this.

Text inside figures

In preparing your figures, try to use types and sizes of text consistently between all the images, and also use the following recommendations:

Font: the fonts listed below are recommended because they have better legibility in different media and fit within the style adopted by the journal:

Arial or Helvetica: for texts and axes, except for mathematical formulae.
Times New Roman: texts, axes and mathematical formulae.
Cambria Math and Symbol: symbols.

Size: in including texts in figures, maintain consistency among all the figures; use sizes between 7.5 pt and 10 pt; and ensure that even the smallest text size allows perfect reading of all the texts and symbols used.

Decimal and thousand separators: in articles in English, if a decimal place marker is used, this must be indicated by a point (period); and if a thousands marker is used, this must be indicated by a comma.

Highlights such as arrows, symbols, non-conventional abbreviations etc.: ensure that their use is clearly identified in the legend.

Do not include legends, citations or font indications: this information should be included in the figure legend, which is to be sent with the manuscript.


Legends should be explanatory, starting with the identification in bold, followed by a period and the descriptive text. If necessary, include after the description an explanation for possible highlights such as arrows, symbols (*, †, ‡, §, etc.), letters, numbers etc. that have been used, and also including an indication of the font and citations, when pertinent.

When necessary, the authors are responsible for obtaining the correct authorization for use of images, photos, illustrations etc. from other sources, directly from the copyright owner, including the corresponding citation.


Figure 1. Comparison between an original figure from another source and the version prepared by the authors after obtaining the correct authorization. (A) Original figure as published in the original article by Silva et al. 2015. (B) Figure adapted by the authors after obtaining authorization from the copyright holder. Source: Silva et al. 2015.

Blank space

Eliminate excessive blank space around the content of your images, but keep a small safety margin of ~5 pixels.

Multiple figures or panels

Panels, boards or multipart images (a, b, c, etc.) should always be combined into a single file.

Use of specialized software

For images generated or prepared using specialized software or tools such as Matlab, Prism, Stata, ChemDraw, PyMol, SPSS, GeneSpring or Minitab, we advise authors to follow the guidance of PLOS ONE, available at https://journals.plos.org/plosone/s/figures#loc-creating-source-images-with-specialized-software.


Representation of humans or animals

In images containing photos of people, it needs to be ensured that they cannot be identified, except in cases in which use of such photos has been specifically authorized for publication in the article.

In addition, authors must ensure that their images are in accordance with our policies regarding protection of human and animal rights.

Licenses and copyright

Whenever authors use third-party images, no matter whether this is in full, redrawn in a new version or just as inspiration, the proper authorization in writing needs to be obtained from the copyright holder and the respective citation and font indication should be included. Learn more in our license and copyright policies.